With the release of their new Sugar-Free cola, Karma Cola looked to raise awareness in New Zealand and Australia. Karma Cola teamed up with The Social Club and a range of Australian and New Zealand influencers to encourage mobile-first millennials to try their product. By doing so, Karma Cola received some awesome influencer content to be used across their digital platforms.

Karma Cola collaborated with 5 New Zealand and Australian influencers that shared the same genuine style and audience. They targeted the demographic of mindful and innovative millennials aged 18-24. Influencers created Instagram posts and stories of them enjoying Karma Sugar-Free Cola and stylistic content expressing the brand’s style.
As part of the campaign, Robbie Hunter delivered a premium, authentic and visually stunning video piece for Karma Cola to use across their owned channels. All influencers used the hashtags #DRINKNOEVIL and #REALGOODCOLA to encourage consumer investigation into the brand.
The influencers proved a great fit with Karma Cola engaging both New Zealand and Australian audiences!