We were so lucky to be able to catch @tastefullytash for a quick Q&A before she made the move across the ditch. We wish you all the best Tash and look forward to working with you from Aus!
From your profile it is obvious that you are a food lover, what inspired you to take that extra step and create a food blog?
Haha –yes, quite the food lover I had been studying Consumer Food Science and was always stalking healthy food blogs and Instagram accounts in my free time so I just began thinking – I could do this! I have always been really into art and photography so saw it as a way to merge my passion for healthy food with my creativity skills.

Your accounts are getting some seriously good heat! How much work does it take to run accounts of your size?
Thanks! The response to my accounts has been amazing and I love how fast they are constantly changing and growing! People are often surprised by how much time it takes to create content and post daily. Since there are so many Instagrammers and blogs doing a similar thing, my main priority is to make every one of my posts top quality so I’m proud of everything on my account. I usually spend at least two hours a day on everything from shooting to editing to posting and then engaging with people on my social media accounts. Although the time does add up I love it and would be scrolling Instagram in my free time anyway so it doesn’t feel like work.
If you had one tip for someone looking to grow their social accounts, what would it be?
To post high quality content and to engage with a like-minded audience (I know – that was two tips but they are equally important and I couldn’t choose). Engagement is essential when generating awareness for your social media account, as no one is going to follow you if they have never discovered you. High quality content is important as no one will follow you if they don’t get benefit from your account – even if the benefit is purely finding your content aesthetically pleasing.

I’ve noticed you have some pretty slick looking photos! Did we spot a little bit of VSCO cam in there?
Haha yes there is a cheeky dose of VSCO cam in most of my photos. I love VSCO as it keeps the photos looking vibrant but semi filter-free – very important when making food look appetizing.
We love how creatively you present your food. How vital do you feel your creativity is to your blog?
Thanks! My favourite thing about the work I do on my accounts is getting to use my creativity to produce dynamic and pretty photos. I feel the creativity of food photography and making my content creative is central to my blog as it’s what I love doing and what I can do for other people. I am extending into commission work and working on campaigns to produce creative content for like-minded businesses so it’s very important I showcase my creativity in my own content.
How have you enjoyed your experience working with The Social Club so far?
I have loved it! Getting the opportunity to work with a company whose vision is in line with my healthy living philosophies is awesome. Also working with you guys; you are other young kiwis who are in the same industry – seeing the opportunities that social media can create has been motivating and inspirational too.